1st Workshop “IoT Lifecycle Security Requirements and First Architecture” – 15 February 2022

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Secure management of IoT devices lifecycle through identities, trust and distributed ledgers

1st Workshop

“IoT Lifecycle Security Requirements and First Architecture”

— 15 February 2022 —

In view of recent technological advances in leaps and bounds, peoples’ perception about their daily activities is drastically changing. Examples of high impact in our lives are due to the Internet of Things (IoT) that has increased connectivity and information sharing with devices collecting and sharing massive amounts of data, expected to reach almost 75 billion of devices by 2025. However, this enormous penetration of IoT devices into all aspects of day-to-day life has already created a similarly large attack surface that includes high security and privacy risks, only some of which reach public audience. Good examples include the Mirai IoT botnet (October 2016) that caused significant DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) service interruptions while it supported the creation of different variations (Torii, Hajime or BrickerBot) in turn infecting and affecting other services. With the above in mind, the IoT leap brings together a lot of challenges relating to confidentiality, access control, device and user privacy, devices’ trustworthiness, and compliance.

ERATOSTHENES, inspired by Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276—194 BCE) (Greek scholar, geographer, and astronomer, founder of scientific chronography) and related to the critical challenges in IoT lifecycle management, is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) project, funded by the European Commission under the topic SU-DS02-2020 (Intelligent security and privacy management), subtopic (d) Distributed trust management and digital identity solutions. The project is coordinated by INLECOM INNOVATION (Athens, Greece) and its consortium consists of 14 partners from 8 countries. With a total budget of around 6M€, the project formally started its activities on the 1st October 2021 and finishes in March 2025.

ERATOSTHENES organized its 1st in a series of workshops to discuss current challenges, end-user requirements and present its technological solution and architecture to cope with these challenges. The workshop presented an overview of its technical solution and architecture and then the project’s three use-cases on: 1) Connected Vehicles (vehicle-smart city connectivity, 2) Health (personalized health devices) and 3) Industry 4.0 (industrial/embedded systems). The workshop collected feedback and recommendations about the project solutions and IoT challenges.

Click Below to see the Workshop Presentations!


Workshop Programme (15/02/2022):





11:00 – 11:30


–          Challenges

–          Concept

–          Applications

Konstantinos Loupos,

Project Coordinator, INLECOM Innovation, GR

11:30 – 12:00


–          End-user Requirements

–          System Architecture

Antonio Skarmeta,

Project Scientific Manager,

University of Murcia, SP

ERATOSTHENES End-user (pilots)

12:00 – 12:20

Pilot 1: Connected vehicles

–          Pilot presentation

–          Round table discussion

Manel Rodriguez, Alejandro Manilla,


12:20 – 12:40

Pilot 2: Smart Health

–          Pilot presentation

–          Round table discussion

Arnor Solberg,


12:40 – 13:00

Pilot 3: Disposable IDs in Industry 4.0

–          Pilot presentation

–          Round table discussion

Mirko Ross,

Digital Worx GmbH, DE


Workshop Summary and Closure

Angel Palomares,

Project Technical Manager ATOS, SP

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